Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rap Music

Ok so i've explained how much i hate pop music before and if you know me at all, you would know that any Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Rihanna, Bruno Mars, etc. song is an easy way to drive me out of the room.

Well since that's out of the way i'm gonna explain my opinion of Rap.  Now Rap, for me, has it's ups and downs.  Most of it's ups has to do with creative rhyming patterns that can make learning the lyrics to a fast Rap song an enjoyable experience and something you are then proud of.  Sometimes, the Rappers even have a funny personality and make some funny rhymes and references that aren't all sex or drug related.  Some Rappers are just annoying as hell and make you want to turn it off the second the person begins singing.  It is also a genre that is mostly dominated by men; you do not see many female rappers and don't you DARE comment and say a singer that is some obviously pop singer or rock artist.

This is Pitbull. Seriously, look at this douche!

There are Rappers that have my respect because they can rap well.  This includes Eminem, Snoop, Usher and Dre.  Now, i do not like any of these rappers at all and you wont find any of them near my ipod or playing from my speakers.  However, i will not deny that they have skill at rapping.  However, some have gotten lazy lately like Eminem and Snoop.  Eminem actually showed that he can still rap on the collaboration he did with Drake, Kanye and Lil Wayne entitled "Forever."  His rapping in that song hasn't been seen in years.  Snoops collaboration with Katy Perry (also terrible) entitled "California Gurls" (terrible and she can't spell) shows how lazy his work has gotten.  He sounds like was just woken up in the morning and told to rap something (quote from Todd In The Shadows).  Anyway, i don't like any of these but they have my respect cause they are actually good at what they do unlike others like Akon, Kanye, T.I., and most of all the King of Crap himself, motherfucking Pitbull.  Pitbull ruined what was Usher's first good song since "Yeah!" and if you don't know what im talking about, find the blabbering idiot spitting nonsense at you in "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love." You'll understand in a heartbeat.

Andre 3000.  Classy fella.
Cool Voice. Awesome Rapper.

Newcomber B.o.B, kinda looks like
Andre 3000 also...
ANYWAY, there are a few rappers i do enjoy listening to often and will do so because they are good at what they do and are more fun than others.  My favorite rapper, also on my top list of singers cuz hes so awesome, is none other than Andre 3000.  He is the main singer from Outkast and has recently lost his touch like Eminem and Snoop.  However he is also showing signs of returning and bringing back what i think is the best rap group of all time.  His return is shown in his collaboration with John Legend's (who? exactly) single (he has one? wow.) "Green Light."  His voice is just so aweosme and his rhymes are so much fun and creative that i still listen to the old albums a lot.  A new rapper i enjoy is B.o.B, a newcomber who gained fame with his collaborations with Paramore's Hayley Williams on "Airplanes" and with Weezer's Rivers Cuomo on "Magic."  I even enjoy his mix with Bruno Mars because the song actually feels like the lyrics he is singing has meaning, unlike a lot of crap released today.  I may also like it a lot because he sounds a BUTT TON like Andre 3000, especially on "Magic."  Other rap groups i like include Run DMC, Flobots and Styles of Beyond. Good Stuff.

Ya so some rap has my respect, a lot doesn't but i still do like some rap. Shocker, i know.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Ya know, i like to think i'm a pretty good guy.

I know i can be very annoying at times and occasionally i take things to far but i usually stay pretty faithful to my friends.  Whenever they need me, i am there for them.  So why am i thrown to the side all the time like a bag of garbage?

I was looking forward to this long Easter Break weekend at home.  Obviously not because of school crap i need to do, but because i had planned to hang out with some old friends and reconnect.  I try to keep in contact with them as much as possible but i feel like i'm the only one trying a lot of the time.  My best friend from high school agreed to hanging out after he or she got off work but cancelled for the upteenth time, giving yet another lame excuse.  Specifically, he or she said he or she was tired and wanted to get some sleep before work tomorrow but continued to be on Facebook for the next three hours uploading pictures and doing god knows what else.  I've been told i should forget about them and move on, but i really don't want to let such a good friendship die so easily.

Now i don't know what to do.  I gave my friend an ultimatum requesting thier opinion on our friendship and if she even cares about what it once meant to each of us.

This isn't the only case of this happening.  I know i didn't have that many friends in high school but i thought i meant SOMETHING to at least one or two people.  I guess not.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

30 Music Things

Saw one of my friends do this on Facebook so i decided, why not?

day 01 - your favorite song
Let's get this started out right.  My favorite song is "Dying In Your Arms" by a band named Trivium.  The begining is a beautiful piano solo that turns into the same melody by a energetic guitar.  In much of the song, all other sounds cut out and all you hear is Matt Heafy singing directly to you.  It's a great song about a destructive relationship with the end culminating in "Set me free!".  Also there's a sick guitar solo near the end ;)
"Dying in Your Arms":

day 02 - your least favorite song
Oh goodness gracious.  This category seems to change with much of the new pop coming out that i dislike with a PASSION.  I also tend to try and forget songs that I hate cause they obviously are just annoying or bothersome so why would i want to remember?  Well, if i have to make a choice, it would be "Barbie Girl" by Aqua.  There is so much wrong with this song.  First: why the hell does "bubblegum pop" as a genre even exist?! ewwwww pop AIMED at 8 year old girls. ewwww. Second: women, do you really want to be a Barbie Girl?  Did you know that mathematiclly with her measurements you would be like eight feet tall and your head would be larger than your stomach.  Thats not healthy or "fabulous."  There is so much more wrong with this song that i am always saying "AHHHH MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP!!!!!"  Oh and by the way, the guy in the song sounds like a guy that would be mugging me in a dark alley in New York.  The only regret i have about choosing this song is that its by a Danish band and it saddens me that the land that produced the Vikings also produced Aqua. Ewwwww....

p.s. If you look up "worst song ever" on Youtube, the first result is "Friday" lololol true story check it out
"Barbie Girl":

day 03 - a song that makes you happy
Ok well im going to say the song that makes me the most happy out of any other is "Runnin' Down A Dream" by none other then the master Tom Petty.  It is such an uplifiting song and I always listen to it when i feel good or i need motivation to do something.  The song is just about following your dreams, not waiting for them or completely knowing where they may lead.  I mean, the first lyic of the song is "It was a beautiful day."  How can that NOT be a great upliftic song about living life and loving it?  It's just a great song and i'm sure everybody knows it.  If you are not sure, check it out. It's awesome.
"Runnin' Down a Dream"

day 04 - a song that makes you sad
Ok I don't even have to think about this one.  The song that makes me sad is "Invisible" by Hourcast.  I will admit I have cried before when I listened to this song.  It just speaks to me.  Nothing more to say...
(it's not on youtube)

day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone
Uhhhmmmmm i dunno what to do with this one.  Well i'm gonna go with "Bleed American" by Jimmy Eat World.  JEW is my sister's, Jax, favorite band of all time and really any song by them really reminds me of her, the Paramore concert we went to together, and all the music she started me out with when i was a kid.  I just chose Bleed American because it's my favorite by them, that or "Sweetness." Love ya sis!
"Bleed American"

day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere
SomeWHERE? oh goodness it was difficult enough with the last one.  Well if i think about it, on one of my out west vacations through Colorado and Utah and states like that, we stopped at some giant gas station the size of a small mall.  There i made one of my favorite CD purchases of all time: 3 Doors Down's self-titled CD. My favorite song from that CD is the first song, "Train."  The song and the entire CD is fantastic and i still remember the purchase in that Whyoming gas station/mall.

day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event
A certain event, eh? That's easy: "Bang the Drum All Day" by Todd Rundgren.  The event was my Junior Year production of Romeo & Juliet, where i played Prince Escalus, the guy who throws out Romeo and says the end monologue of the play.  Every time we finished a full-run through practice or a show, all the guys went back to the dressing room, plugged my iPod in the speakers we set up there and played the song at full blast on repeat as we all got changed.  We would be singing, laughing and dancing to it.  It is one of my favorite memories of High School.
"Bang the Drum All Day"

day 08 - a song that you know all the words to
OK there's A LOT of songs i could choose for this because i enjoy learning all the words to many songs.  I'm gonna choose a song that i surprised Sam D. that i know all the words to it: "The Way You Move" by Outkast.  We were on the way up to Cedar Point, Alex, Sam and I in my car, and Sam was shocked when i sung this entire song, it was really funny :P.
"The Way You Move"

day 09 - a song that you can dance to
Uhm i don't really know, my "dancing" isn't really dancing at all cause i can't dance.  I guess i do know the dance from Bloodhound Gang's "Bad Touch," but thats not really saying much.  It's silly and really weird.  Whatever, i'm goin with it!
"Bad Touch"

day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep
Anything Classical? lol not really i like Haydn a lot as a classical composer.  Most of my songs are upbeat and fun to keep me awake but of my songs that may put me to sleep, i'll say "Walking on Air" by Kerli.  It's not because i think it's boring or anything, in fact it's one of the few, VERY FEW, pop songs i actually enjoy listening to.  Its a nice calming song and it's easy to drift off when you close your eyes to this song :)
"Walking on Air"

day 11 - a song from your favorite band
Favorite band is and always will be Breaking Benjamin.  For those who do not know them, they are alternative rock MASTERS and i love literally every single song released and i own all four CDs, both EPs and thier hard to obtain live homecoming CD.  I love it all and i think thier song "Sooner or Later" depicts what all they can do.
"Sooner or Later"

day 12 - a song from a band you hate
Ok so OPPOSITE end of the spectrum then, eh? Band i hate. There are many band i could list including most pop and country and rap.  For the sake of not being repetitive and complaining like everyone else on the atrocities that are rebecca black and the beebz i'm going to say "Old Man" by Neil Young.  I'm not going to doubt his talents as a guitarist because i like Buffalo Springfield a lot and even "Ohio", which he did with Crosby, Stills and Nash.  Even his songwriting isn't too shabby either, better than a lot seen today.  He is a good guitarist but i hate his singing and the frickin twangs he uses in every damned song!  So annoying and the fact that my dad loves his stuff makes it worse how much i have to hear it. ughhh...
"Old Man"

day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure
Guilty Pleasure? gahhhh i really don't want to reveal this cause i know everyone is gonna be like wwwhhhhaAAATTTT??!?!? Well i will admit i once thought Avril Lavigne was a good singer.  She had a nice voice and did her own thing which i respected, now she's just another cut-and-paste pop artist.  Well, i like the song "Complicated" by her.  It's really quite a good song.  The song writing is well done, she's actually showing her lost vocal talents of ages past and also she's actually playing the guitar!  Yes, she can play the guitar and i believe she has forgotten that talent in the recent years and has resorted to "What the Hell." A complete crapbasket song.  Anyway, i like "Complicated." Deal.

day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love
Again with this? i already admitted to liking "Complicated"!!  Welllllll, since everyone looks at me and expects "oh he loves death metal and screamo" i'm going to prove them wrong.  Well actually i hate those genres actually, you can't understand what they say in songs like that and i detest that.  ANYWAY, the song i like no one would expect is "Magic" by B.o.B and Rivers Cuomo.  It's new rap/pop which i hate but its such a fun song.  PLus the singers are actually awesome.  Rivers Cuomo i like a lot for his Weezer work and B.o.B does an amazing Andre 3000 inpression in his music.  "Magic" is magical.

day 15 - a song that describes you
I really dunno what to do with this song so i'm gonna be lame and choose "Living After Midnight" by Judas Priest because i'm always up till about three or four in the morning doing homework or something else.  I get my best stuff done in the dark of the night and its also when the most fun things happen. Late at night. Admit it, the day sucks, the night is where it's at.
"Living After Midnight"

day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate
You know those phases you go through? The one's where you say to yourself now "what was i thinking?" The same applied to me end of senior year. I loved the song "Drinking With the King of the Dead" by a hardcore band named Hatesphere.  Dunno what i was thinking. His singing just sucks so badly and the guitars still have a good beat but it just bores me now and i can't get through the whole song before switching to something else now.
"Drinking With the King of the Dead"

day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
"Fuck You" by Cee Lo Green. You can't disagree. The song is EVERYWHERE (although its "Forget You" on the radio but thats lame).  Even tho its everywhere, i still love it every time i hear it and will sing to it.  It's just so much fun :)
"Fuck You"

day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
Oh my god, like almost everything i listen to?!  Well i think it'd be awesome if i heard Sirenia's "The End of it All."  Such an unknown band from Europe that i wish got more recognition.  Plus, the singer Ailyn is so hot so thats a factor too ;)
"The End of it All"

day 19 - a song from your favorite album
Favorite album is definately Shinedown's masterpiece Sound of Madness.  Every song is sooooo amazing!  One of my favorites from that album is "If You Only Knew", a song about what a man would do for a woman he loves.  Fantastic lyrics, singing, guitars, drums, everything!
"If You Only Knew"

day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
Alright, remember how i said i hate it when you can't understand what the singer is saying?  There are only a few exceptions to that and one of the like three exceptions is the song i listen to when i'm pissed: "Sharpen the Blades" by Daath.  Just TRY and listen to it without imagining yourself breaking every damned thing in the room.  My anger song.
"Sharpen the Blades"

day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy
Again with the opposite end of the spectrum.  And i already said the Tom Petty song MAKES me happy so what song do i listen to when i'm already happy?  Wwell i'd say the Tom Petty song again but for the sake of not being repetitive, i will say "Sound System" by Operation Ivy.  One of the only, if not THE only, ska bands i listen to.  They came out in the early ninties with one CD then dissolved but were still around long wnough to influence huge bands like Green Day.  Basically all my music makes me happy and this song just describes my happiness when listening to music. "Sound system gonna bring me back up, one thing that i can depend on"
"Sound System"

day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad
Ok serously?  I already answered "Invisible" by Hourcast a while ago! That's what i listen to when i'm sad! Gahhhh.  Whatever, i also listen to "What It's Like" by Everlast because it's a terribly depressing song about the daily lives of unfortunate people and what it would be like if you were in thier shoes.  The song tells three stories and really makes you rethink your beliefs about those situations and others because you don't REALLY know what it's like unless you were in thier shoes.
"What It's Like"
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding
Uhmmm well probably the wedding march? or something like that? but i guess if you mean AFTER the wedding at the ceremony thing i would say "Sandstorm" by Darude.  Yes its lame but its seriously so much fun don't deny it.  Plus can you imagine a bunch of people in tuxes and dresses rockin out to this song?! Best. Homevideo. EVER.

day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral
"Swing Life Away" by Rise Against. Very peaceful acoustic song about the simplicities of life and what they mean to everyone.  I....there's nothing left to say.  Just go listen to it.
"Swing Life Away"

day 25 - a song that makes you laugh
Alright finally past the depressing parts of this list! Hopefully... Regardless! The song that makes me laugh is "A Nightmare on My Street" by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince.  This song was always on my family's Halloween mix we play every Trick-or-Treat Night because it's so much fun and it's so cheesy and funny.  Back when Will Smith rapped lol.  The End is hillarious by the way i laugh every time lol.
"A Nightmare On My Street"

day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument
Well... I used to play the Alto Saxophone in High School.  We played a lot of intersting stuff in marching band and one of my favorites we played was "Centerfold" by J. Geils Band.  The Saxophone part for that song was actually pretty large and we played the main part of the chorus which was really fun.  I dunno if i can still pick up a sax and play it but thats whatever.

day 27 - a song that you wish you could play
The most fun a guitarist ever has, in my belief, has to be the moment they can play "Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden.  First, i'd have to learn the guitar but to polay it on the sax would also be aweosme.  I'd want to see someone tackle the solo on a saxophone.  That'd be so awesome!
"Number of the Beast"

day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty
Guilty of what? i never stole anything from like a store or something.  I never killed anybody.....I hope.  Well i do speed all the time whenever i go anywhere and i guess i'll go with that.  The high speed song that would make me feel guilty would be "High Speed Dirt" by Megadeth.  For those who do not know, Megadeth IS NOT death metal.  In fact, they are much closer to 70's rock n roll.  Common assumption that they will be a screaming band.  FAR from it.
"High Speed Dirt"

day 29 - a song from your childhood
My childhood was riddled with old rock and roll from the 70's and the 80's and i remember my favorite song when i was like four or five was "Bad to the Bone" by George Thorrgood.  My dad found it hillarious to see me attempting to dance to this song as a small boy. I was a ridiculous youngster.
"Bad To The Bone"

day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year
Well i'm ending this list with a bang.  Actually, with two bangs.  The song i listened to constatntly was "Bang Bang" by K'naan and Adam Levine.  My favorite song was still "Dying in Your Arms" but my favorite song to listen to at the time was "Bang Bang."  It's still a fun song i will listen to often but not as much as i once did, cruisin the halls of Stow High School.
"Bang Bang"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Spirit Slighted

I fall and am Lost
Eclipsed by the Dark
I search for the Light
Corporeal Ark

A sea of Shadows
My soul Departed
I drown in Sorrow
My spirit Slighted

Just James knows my Pain
Giving Everything
Thrown over the Edge
Treated as Nothing

Release your Senses
Dismantle the Knife
Return my Spirit
Remedy our Life

Tell me what ya think plz

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

my first draft of Colorless Combatants

Colorless Combatants 

A field of Sapphire
Stretched beyond mortal vision
The Somme dwarfed
Only Armageddon akin.

The sharp purity of the place
A blue so wild and savage
Polished gemstones compare not
Human Touch cannot damage.

The loss of light
Robs the gems of vigorous soul
Darkness engulfs the field
Sapphires turn to Coal

But fear not!
The shadowy void is brief
Light sheds the sinister cloak
The coal causes no more grief

This perfect place
Is Fouled by the stench of War
Brought without reason
Forever thirsting for more.
The armies have no leaders
No captain, no general
Every warrior free
Each to their own call.

The gladiators battle
Using ethereal blades
Cutting and slashing ravenously
Until each flees or fades.

These combatants are brothers
All decked in white
Related by nature
But fiercely they fight

Some warriors will lose themselves
Become locked up inside
Their armor will turn a murky black
The need for another to confide

The black ones will fight
But without soul nor courage
Emotion must be freed
Or fear perpetual rage

The fields are engaged
Full of colorless combatants
Brothers and strangers
A legend of Decadence

Ok i have a question.

What would happen if Pinocchio said "My nose will grow"?

What am i doing here?

Truth be told, i have no clue whatsoever.   My friend Rachael was like "just do it." and considering i don't feel like studying more for my exams tonight and my roomate is asleep i don't have anything else to do. 

I named this blog Derp for multiple reasons:
1. its a funny word. Seriously. Say it. Its a funny word.
2. Many of my friends don't understand it and they give me weird faces when they hear me say it so if they see this i bet they're like "wtf rab!"
3. It stands for an event that occurs that simply illustrates the sillyness of the situation. I believe it is fitting in this situation  :P

sO I dOn'T rEaLlY kNoW what im gonna do with this. i might use it more if i get bored again to preoccupy my time. or i may just forget about it in an hour or two and move on to something else. We'll see