Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Spirit Slighted

I fall and am Lost
Eclipsed by the Dark
I search for the Light
Corporeal Ark

A sea of Shadows
My soul Departed
I drown in Sorrow
My spirit Slighted

Just James knows my Pain
Giving Everything
Thrown over the Edge
Treated as Nothing

Release your Senses
Dismantle the Knife
Return my Spirit
Remedy our Life

Tell me what ya think plz


  1. Is James a person or a symbol of someone?

  2. that entire stanza is a reference to James the Anabaptist, a charcter in Voltaire's Candide. He is the most kind person in the book and risks his life to save a sailor who fell overboard during a storm. James pulled the man out and was thrown in himself by the man he saved.
