Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What am i doing here?

Truth be told, i have no clue whatsoever.   My friend Rachael was like "just do it." and considering i don't feel like studying more for my exams tonight and my roomate is asleep i don't have anything else to do. 

I named this blog Derp for multiple reasons:
1. its a funny word. Seriously. Say it. Its a funny word.
2. Many of my friends don't understand it and they give me weird faces when they hear me say it so if they see this i bet they're like "wtf rab!"
3. It stands for an event that occurs that simply illustrates the sillyness of the situation. I believe it is fitting in this situation  :P

sO I dOn'T rEaLlY kNoW what im gonna do with this. i might use it more if i get bored again to preoccupy my time. or i may just forget about it in an hour or two and move on to something else. We'll see

1 comment:

  1. you don't need to have a reason to blog! just write what's on your mind and everything will flow :DD haha
