Thursday, April 21, 2011


Ya know, i like to think i'm a pretty good guy.

I know i can be very annoying at times and occasionally i take things to far but i usually stay pretty faithful to my friends.  Whenever they need me, i am there for them.  So why am i thrown to the side all the time like a bag of garbage?

I was looking forward to this long Easter Break weekend at home.  Obviously not because of school crap i need to do, but because i had planned to hang out with some old friends and reconnect.  I try to keep in contact with them as much as possible but i feel like i'm the only one trying a lot of the time.  My best friend from high school agreed to hanging out after he or she got off work but cancelled for the upteenth time, giving yet another lame excuse.  Specifically, he or she said he or she was tired and wanted to get some sleep before work tomorrow but continued to be on Facebook for the next three hours uploading pictures and doing god knows what else.  I've been told i should forget about them and move on, but i really don't want to let such a good friendship die so easily.

Now i don't know what to do.  I gave my friend an ultimatum requesting thier opinion on our friendship and if she even cares about what it once meant to each of us.

This isn't the only case of this happening.  I know i didn't have that many friends in high school but i thought i meant SOMETHING to at least one or two people.  I guess not.


  1. rob, you mean a lot to the people you are friends with. but what i've learned is so me people just don't value friendships as much. it sucks, but it happens. the most important thing is that you know which friendships count the most (like ours, duh! :P). i would give this person one more chance and then move on. you don't deserve that. <3

  2. Thanks Rach, i decided to give the person one last chance to show they care at all. We'll see what happens next
